Tips To Make Shedding Season Simple

With Spring almost upon us, our equine friends are starting to lose their winter coats by the bagful.

By using a few simple steps, shedding season does not have to be a hassle.

I have found the “Mars” Triple Wide grooming tool available through the “Groomer’s Mall”, makes the job a whole lot easier for both me & my 2 very hairy Icelandic Horses.

First I “suit up” in a light weight rainslicker, rain pants tucked into rain boots, covering my nose & mouth with a light weight hospital mask..and don big sun glasses…and a baseball cap. This way I stay clean & don’t inhale any of those pesky little shed hairs that seem to find their way into the strangest places. When I’m done I can either hose my stuff off or just throw everything into the washer after a good shake.

Then I slide the Mars Triple Wide over the horses (legs & face included) and watch the hair glide off. The horses love it & since I can do one whole Icelandic in 30 minutes..I do too.

Vacuuming the horses or brushing with a stiff brush after using the shedding tool helps to get rid of the residual small hairs & winter coat dirt preventing “the itch” for my horses.

During this time, I make sure my horses have a Himalayan Salt Lick and Advanced Biological Concepts Free Choice Minerals to give them what they need to assist the metabolic process of shedding.

With the temps swinging widely in many areas, it never hurts to add a daily pro-biotic like Advanced Biological Concepts “ABC Plus” to help balance intestinal flora. Giving a bunch of fresh dandelion greens to your horse a few times a week is a tasty treat that will also assist the liver & kidneys to detox gently. It’s especially nice for horses that don’t have daily access to the fresh greens of a pasture.

Stay tuned for next months “Spring Cleaning” Tips.

Happy Trails…Kaaren