Kaaren’s Product Pick Of The Month For June 2011…natural immune system support.

With news of the recent outbreak of EHV-1 which has spread to several regions across the US, some natural immune system support for your equine companion can be of great help.

One of the most effective and well tolerated products I have found that support healthy equine intestinal flora and the immune system is Advanced Biological Concepts “Pro-Bi Liquid”.

During times of stress, such as weather extremes, barometric pressure fluctuations, increased work load and of course travel, I use a once daily dose accompanied by some Jin Shin Jyutsu acupressure.

To order “Pro-Bi” contact Advanced Biological Concepts at (800)779-3959 or visit their website: www.abcplus.biz .

For simple directions to an overall balancing Jin Shin Jyutsu routine for you & your horse go to the “Free Jin Shin Jyutsu Tips For Your Animal” page on this site.