Kaaren’s Pick Of The Month, November 2012… “Anesthesia Free Dental Cleaning For Dogs by Kaaren on November 1, 2012

“Anesthesia Free Dental Care For Dogs”

Although many veterinarians believe that having your dog’s teeth cleaned without anesthesia is not as thorough as having it done while under anesthesia under certain circumstances I feel that it is a good option to consider.

The last 3 years William Whippet was with us, due to his heart issues, he absolutely could not be put under anesthesia, so we had his teeth hand scaled by a dental technician from Canine Care, Inc. that comes to our area monthly.

Cassie whippet is now 13 yo and in good health, but I am not comfortable putting her under anesthesia unless it is necessary at this point in her life. She just had her second cleaning with Jenn from Canine Care, Inc. and both Cassie & I were very pleased with the results.

For more information contact:

Canine Care, Inc.
(800) 242-9966