Kaaren’s Product Pick Of The Month For JANUARY 2012….”The Honest Kitchen”……..Cassie & Will’s Review:

Well… we’re over a month down the road feeding “The Honest Kitchen’s” Keen recipe to Cassie & Will in place of their homecooked meals. Both dogs adore the Keen recipe and with all the holiday chaos, the ease of making the Honest Kitchens food has really helped me a lot.

Even though the instructions say to add just water, I prefer to use fresh chicken or turkey broth for extra flavor. They say to allow the well stirred mixture sit for 10-15 minutes before serving, but my dogs do better with it soaked longer. I also add fresh cooked chicken, turkey or beef to each serving along with whatever fresh pureed veggies I have on hand. Both dogs lick their bowls clean begging for more at each meal. As far as Cassie & Will are concerned, it’s a 4 paws up!

I was surprised with how good both dogs stool was right off the bat..with zero gas or digestive issues. Since they have been enjoying homecooked meals for so long, the transition wasn’t a problem at all for either.

I’m branching out into the chunkier “Force” recipe this month to alternate with the Keen, so will see how both dogs do with it.

Hoping HK comes out with a chicken version of the Keen recipe next year because it is a lot more economical than Force.

The dogs are doing so well with Honest Kitchen Keen and I’m happy to spend a little less time in the kitchen, that we’re going to try feeding The Honest Kitchen’s recipes for a few more months to see how they do over the long haul.

Stay tuned for next months holistic animal product review.