Kaaren’s Product Pick Of The Month July 2012… “Diggin your dog…”Firm UP” Review

Most of us who have dogs in the family are familiar with the occasional digestive upsets that can plague our 4 legged friends. Of course, it’s always a good idea to have any elimination or digestive changes assessed by your vet, but a gentle, natural food based support can never hurt until the veterinary verdict’s in.

My 2 whippets and many of my client’s dogs have done really well with Diggin your dog “Firm Up” for a few days when they have foraged too much in the yard or have eaten something that does not agree with them.

“Firm Up” is an all natural pumpkin and apple fiber dehydrated product designed as it says to firm up loose stool & help with diahrrhea & regulates constipation. All you do is hydrate as directed and add to the meals for a few days. My dogs love the flavor & lick their bowls clean.

This product is 100% grown, harvested, made & packaged in the USA…..as they say from soil to bag. It’s effective, natural, and economical.

Although the compny states that cats can use it too, I have not had any experience with use for cats, so can’t comment on how it works.

Four paws up from my two dogs and my clients dogs as well.

For more information or to order:

Diggin your dog
